Creating a custom sticker from an image, especially a PNG image, can be an exciting task. In this tutorial, we will guide you through a step-by-step approach to create stickers from PNG images using Python and OpenCV.
Make sure you have the following libraries installed:
OpenCV (cv2)
Pillow (PIL)
1. Reading the Image
we will start by reading a PNG image and converting it into the RGBA color space to include the alpha channel.
2. Extracting Alpha Channel
The alpha channel is responsible for transparency in an image. we will extract this channel for further processing.
3. Finding the Largest Contour
we will find the largest contour in the alpha channel, and then apply GaussianBlur to smooth it.
4. Drawing the Contour
The contour is then drawn on a black background to create a mask.
5. Applying Dilation
we will apply dilation to enlarge the white region in the mask, creating a smooth border around the image.
6. Applying Overlays
The mask is then overlaid onto the original image, and the alpha channel is applied to merge them together.
7. Creating the Sticker
we will combine all the previous steps to create the final sticker. This function brings together all the operations we have covered to generate a complete sticker with a clean border and preserved transparency.
Final Result
After applying all these steps, you will get a beautiful sticker with a clean border and preserved transparency.