import cv2
import numpy as np
FG_IMG_PATH = "fg.png"
BG_IMG_PATH = "bg.jpeg"
def load_image(path, color_conversion=None):
"""Load an image and optionally convert its color."""
image = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
if color_conversion:
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, color_conversion)
return image
def extract_alpha_channel(image):
"""Extract the alpha channel and the RGB channels from an image."""
alpha_channel = image[:,:,3]
rgb_channels = image[:,:,0:3]
return alpha_channel, rgb_channels
def apply_blur_to_alpha(alpha, blur_amount):
"""Apply blur to the alpha channel."""
return cv2.blur(alpha, (blur_amount, blur_amount))
def expand_and_normalize_alpha(alpha):
"""Expand alpha dimensions and normalize its values to the range [0,1]."""
expanded_alpha = np.expand_dims(alpha, axis=2)
repeated_alpha = np.repeat(expanded_alpha, 3, axis=2)
normalized_alpha = repeated_alpha / 255
return normalized_alpha
def create_shadow_on_bg(bg, alpha_blur):
"""Put shadow (based on blurred alpha) on top of the background."""
black_canvas = np.zeros(bg.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
shadowed_bg = (alpha_blur * black_canvas + (1 - alpha_blur) * bg).astype(np.uint8)
return shadowed_bg
def composite_foreground_on_bg(fg, alpha, bg_with_shadow):
"""Put the foreground image on top of the background with shadow."""
composited_image = (alpha * fg + (1 - alpha) * bg_with_shadow).astype(np.uint8)
return composited_image
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load images and convert their color if necessary
fg = load_image(FG_IMG_PATH, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA)
bg = load_image(BG_IMG_PATH, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# Extract alpha and RGB channels from the foreground image
alpha, fg_rgb = extract_alpha_channel(fg)
# Blur the alpha channel to get the shadow
alpha_blur = apply_blur_to_alpha(alpha, BLUR_AMOUNT)
# Expand and normalize the blurred alpha for shadow calculation
alpha_blur_normalized = expand_and_normalize_alpha(alpha_blur)
# Create a version of the background with the shadow
bg_with_shadow = create_shadow_on_bg(bg, alpha_blur_normalized)
# Expand and normalize the original alpha for compositing foreground over background
alpha_normalized = expand_and_normalize_alpha(alpha)
# Composite the foreground on the shadowed background
final_image = composite_foreground_on_bg(fg_rgb, alpha_normalized, bg_with_shadow)
# Display the final image (optional)
cv2.imshow("Final Image", final_image)